Welcome to Netawatees Lodge 424

Netawatwees Lodge 424 is a member of Section E13  (Eastern Region) of the Order of the Arrow , and serves the Muskingum Valley Council of Scouting America.

NOAC 2024 Sign

The Mission

The mission of the Order of the Arrow is to fulfill its purpose as an integral part of Scouting America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.

The OA is…

An organization of honor-campers. A member is elected by their unit, and is chosen not so much for what they have done, but rather, what they are expected to do. The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service, as the OA is otherwise known, is chartered by Scouting America.

An Arrowman’s first obligation is “your duty to your unit,” utilizing their skills and talents in the development of their fellow Scouts. Activities in the OA focus on service to Scouting, and particularly the Scout Camp. We, like all OA lodges, utilize the aspect of Indian Lore and mystery to enhance the program’s appeal.

Netawatwees Lodge 424 is your local OA lodge serving the Muskingum Valley Council. The lodge exists to support and enrich the Scouting program in this area, and works to benefit the local program through leadership, camping, and an abundance of cheerful service.

Every Arrowman is reminded of their primary obligation to their unit, as they seek to “catch the higher vision of a life of cheerful service.”

Mission of Scouting America

“.. is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.”

Purpose of the Order:

  • To recognize those campers — Scouts and Scouters — who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. And by such recognition cause other campers to conduct themselves in such a manor as to warrant recognition.
  • To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit.
  • To promote Scout camping, which reaches its greatest effectiveness as a part of the unit’s camping program, both year-round and in the summer camp program, as directed by the camping committee of the council.
  • To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpsose of leadership, in cheerful service to others.

Here are a few photos from the 2024 NOAC, Seek New Heights

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Netawatwees Lodge #424

c/o Muskingum Valley Council

734 Moorehead Avenue

Zanesville, Ohio 43701